How I'm supposed to breathe with no air?...
Or keep up with a blog if I'm too busy having a life?
The delay to the blog has been down to me protesting in Brighton city streets about closing down Arms factories!
..No just kidding, I don't care about that "Krazy" shit, plus I kinda like guns.
The real reason is because I've mainly been drunk and unable to type.
I'm only really doing this for my mum, she's argues that I don't keep in contact enough.
So I'm tryna keep her happy.
So "Hi, mum!" if you're reading.
Welcome to my new censored blog.
Highlights of the week are ...
Me and "The Gang" went for a Celebratory food fest at the new all you can eat restaurant 'Days'.
I decided that i wasn't going to eat all day in preparation, I went with intent to bankrupt them.
WOW... Now I'm a guy who loves all you can eats but this one is AMAZING!!
The decor is the same as a Las Vegas casino, it even has a waterfall in the foyer.

I was overly wow'd by the mega decor, but I hit the floor when I saw the food available.
It was all arranged in eating sections to help us maximize my eating potential.
There was...
Make your own,
Dipping Sticks,
Chiefs specials and
Extra Puddings.
No lies bout the puddings, It did end up being the best but there is no need for that many puddings.
I lasted for 5 plates, I know weak right. I couldn't help it. All the none eating through out the day made my stomach shrink or turn against and rebel! I did eat till i wanted to throw up and seeing as it was my first time I still set a personal best.
I even left with a pocket full of Haribo and mint imperials to snack on later.

HA! In your face 'Days'.
This week I also had a really Sad/Rad night out.
It was sad because one of my best friends was leaving Brighton. But,
It was rad because ALL my favourite friends was out!
The night started straight after work, where i was forced into doing shots before seven - Cunts.
Then went to 'Full Moon' the busiest bar in Brighton, with no happy hour - Cunts.
Then we had to walk all the way to Riki Tiks for more cocktails - Cunts.
We lost Alex and others - Cunts.
Then we had to walk even more, ALL the way to concord 2 for playgroup, it was really far and I was made to walk it all - Cunts.
Then Mary left after 10 minutes because she was bored. Leaving me with Jorunn - Cunts.
Then I had a drama with a boy - Cunts.
Then I walked around the whole of brighton AGAIN in order to find Alex but we couldn't - Cunts.
SO then me and Jorunn decided to leave alex an answer phone message singing 'happy birthday' even thou it wasn't even her birthday - Cunts.
Anywho the blog is starting to sound a little depressing with all the 'cunnys' but it was a good night.
I spent the whole time with my super best growler friend Jorunn. And at one point I fell over onto her tittayyes!!

Oh I love Jorunn. She doesn't like having her whole face in photos?
Also i spoke to 'Leeds'. And made lots of new friends which i chatted to loads covering certain topics like.
Soul patches,
Mouth fisting,
Jelly dates and
Frog faces.
And the drama i had only gave me the bestest, most romanticest night on the beach the following evening.
We sat, Chatted, Sorted out our problems and watched fireworks.
It couldn't of gone better. It was so much like a Laguna Beach/Hills type season finale.
Which only goes to show my life should be filmed.
You'ld all watch, It's not like you have anything better to do. It'll be like reading this.
Kidding. Love you lots.
Hope you're loving life as much as me.