Monday, 25 May 2009


Yesterday I was bored so I went to a "swop it" basement party where I managed to gain this...
I was doing Air Max-Extreme tricks all over the place.
It's best if you do them over a cat, but if you can't find a cat you can use a bucket or similar. Also, if there are people watching add some sick by skidding out at the end, near a wall or tree!
Y'know for ultimate rad coolness.  

This left me wanting my very own skateboard so I could get sick wicked trix n flips all over the beach!
Other than that I might just do up the BMX my landlord gave me to this standard.
Hmmmmmmmmmm gold.I've wanted a gold BMX since forever.
Mines a sick max Reliance Boomerang and I'll do heaps of maximum extreme tricks on it.
Having a BMX like this will make me instantly become a member of every gang or club invented, because I'll be awesome and all the ladies will do this!

PS. They're pissing.

Anywho back to the party
I J'kwon'd too much on this.
Met some guy called Fritzl and played games with him like this....

I had ace times.
and remember: When in doubt, do a Flipout.