There is no way I'm going back to Blockbuster until some gaylord who works there gets fired!
It took us 1 hour choosing the film by NOT cheating and picking twice consecutively using Amys numeral technique it was obviously 'Alphadog' fated to our viewing pleasure.
I need to set up an account because Amy is registered to a different Blockbuster up in the brilliant north, where they seem to have no problems sharing their Blockbuster clientele,
But No some prick working there spent THREE minutes looking for a clock then said...
"No, you can't set up the account because it 9:32 and accounts need to be done by 9:30"
I swear he's a dick that should spend more time setting up accounts rather than wasting time looking for clocks that sends me over the allotted "account setting up time".
I'm getting Amy to write a letter to Blockbusters head office, just like the time an angry asian woman threw a bag at us in the Co-op, we set a letter to there head office and the asian has never been seen again.
Prick from Blockbuster watch out, this is not something I run away from like a hotel room or a crying baby, your job is mine!
Anywho today I spent lovely times playing on Brighton pier shooting terrorists, watching funerals and beating Amy on another new game. It was intense.